Monday, January 9, 2012

It was foggy this week

Dear All,

This week has been foggy. When it's cold outside and the wind blows your breath back at you it fogs your glasses. Yeah, I said to my companion, "It got really foggy really fast" and he looked at me and laughed, cause my glasses were fogged up really good.

I've been on the endeavor to think of an experience during the day and try to write something that I've learned from it. The idea is to record something i've learned so i can look back on it later and not let my mind get distracted. So far it's working out. I'm figuring out it's cold here.... yeah.

So this week we taught the two youth again and finally heard something we wanted to hear- that they have flavored milk (root beer flavored milk sounds good) AND that they can set the baptism sometime in April! I may not be here in April, however thats better than not setting any baptism date at all. I enjoy seeing people move forward in the gospel, it gives me a Spiritual adrenalin rush. I've learned that it gets cold here too.

Anyway, I had an exchange this last Wednesday and it was fun and exciting: we got to run into people talk with them, invite them to church and experience the cold weather..... I could be wrong but I think it's cold here. Some people are telling me it's abnormally warm. I am just confused, there is no snow on the ground..... yeah it doesn't add up to me.

We checked the forecast for the week and it says it's going to be cold with a chance of extremely cold. and that it's suppose to be extremely cold with a chance of  freezing your buns off out here.

This Sunday was probably one of our best sundays ever-we had two of our investigators come to church, which we have not had since I've been here.

My companion really like with puggs. I don't know why. All I know is I got a picture of him with one that looks like they are kissing. 

We are looking forward to teaching more people and trying to get some commitments. All in all we are moving forward.

Love you all!
Elder Hedgecock

1 comment:

  1. LOL - tell me - is it COLD there?!? Love that! Welcome to SE Idaho in the winter Elder! And FYI, where there is snow on the ground, it tends to be a bit warmer! I feel your pain. Nostrils freezing together is no fun, neither is scaping ice of the INSIDE of your car windows, is it? Hang in there! It will get warm mid February and you will be so happy - then it will get COLD again! Expect snow gone and done by mid May! The gospel will keep your insides warm, as will the Spirit when you teach others. And good winter clothes will do the rest!
    So happy you have committments to baptisms! There are still more good people to find. I pray you do.
