Brothers, Sisters, and Other Loved Folks,
Hear my words and ponder on the things which I say concerning the missionary work happening in the area of which I have been asked to serve.
OK that was fun typing that introduction....
In the 13th day of the 8th month of the 2012th year of Our Lord, an instant parchment was sent to you concerning one Elder Hedgecock, a Servant of the Lord.
He, he, sounds pretty cool! Now to get serious.
This week has been full of good teaching experiences and moments we have learned important things that will bless those we teach and depending on how we apply it and for many others whom I have not met yet on my mission and in my life.
Things I have learned in studies are:
Weakness is another word for work.
Unlike in a board game; a set back does not mean we've lost progress, but that we are putting some distance in front of us to get a running start and leap forward.
Do not desire to be better than others, it shows your pride in looking down on others; desire to be a Disciple of Jesus Christ; which involves not only bringing yourself to Christ but helping others to follow.
This has become one of my favorite videos as of late. I wish to share it so all of you can see what I want to pursue when I return home, which is 14 months away, but also how much I desire to be as Elder Holland said: "Do all you can to get all you can out of a mission." He speaks boldly to missionaries, we have a video of it. He wants missionaries to be converted and on top of that not to return to their old lives that had before they left, quoting the New Testament "Peter, lovest thou me more than these? and Peter answered yes Lord, then Christ asked again, Peter, Lovest thou me more than these? and Peter responded yes Lord, and finally Christ asked Peter, Lovest thou me more than these?" for the third time and Peter is a little nervous about threes and he answered "Yes, Lord thou knowest that I love thee" and then Jeffery R. Holland says with such passion I have never seen before "THEN FEED MY SHEEP! Leave your nets and follow me, I've asked you once I've asked a second Time and I don't want to ask a Third time. Feed my Sheep! leave your nets, your oars and your boats!" I have and am still growing to love the words of the prophets and apostles.
I felt pretty good yesterday when I gave a talk (without paper in front of me) in a singles branch about John 15 and about the comparison Christ gave that he is the Vine and the disciples are the branches. I compared it to Alma 32 about the seed and also what I learned in agricultural Science class on Proper pruning rules for trees and plants. The Lord indeed has all things as a testimony of him, even in agricultural science. I enjoy finding comparisons to gospel topics in other things.
I hope you are all doing well and are working to keep all the promises you've made to God, and if you need to repair them do so. The Lord is willing to forgive all who have the 2 requirements necessary: A Broken heart and a Contrite spirit. And don't be discouraged Christ asks us "let your heart not be troubled, neither let it be afraid" John 14:27
Know that I love you all and am doing well out here in Idaho!
Elder Hedgecock
Elder Hedgecock